Monday, April 16, 2012

Photo Essay

Today in photojournalism, my class was given an assignment; to create a photo essay over the next couple of weeks.  Having no idea what to expect or what a photo essay even is, I did some research.  Turns out, it's pretty self explanatory.  A photo essay is a series of photos, usually including supplementary text, meant to tell a story and portray certain emotions to the viewer.  Photo essays, usually show emotions.  The photos are meant to be shown in a certain order, symbolizing the sequence of events.
For my photo essay I will be taking pictures of an organization I volunteer for on Sundays.  Its called The Challenger Buddy Program, and it is to help children with disabilities play baseball.  It is an incredible experience, and I hope to portray the joyful emotions and the idea that everyone should have the opportunity to be involved with sports.

Friday, April 13, 2012

B&W Plus One

Long time no blog!  Its been a while, I know.  I've been taking pictures for the J1 issue of the newspaper and learning new things to do on photoshop, but finally our class got assigned another blog post!  The most recent thing we have learned how to do in photo shop is taking a photo; making it black and white and picking one color to stand out.  The assignment was called black & white plus one(for obvious reasons). Adding this technique to my list of skills on photoshop was an exciting one because I have always wanted to know how to do this.  This was so fun and actually a lot simpler than I expected it to be!  I chose the picture below of fellow blogger, Stephanie Hillin (, because I loved the look of her denim shirt against the black and white.  It was a nice pop of color and her smile is so big, it's impossible not to smile when I look at it!  I hope you enjoy this picture as much as I do.
~Thanks for reading!!~
{I love this picture of Stephanie.  It is so happy and the bright pop of color in her denim shirt made this the perfect picture to use my new technique on}